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23 Freezer Meal Prep Sessions With Free Printable Grocery ListsDo you hate writing grocery lists?  So do I.  It takes forever to come up with dinner ideas, make a list of ingredients, and organize them by aisle at the grocery store so I’m not wandering around like a crazy lady.

When I started making crockpot freezer meals I shared my recipes and grocery lists on this blog so you could use them too.  After sharing more than 50 free printable grocery lists with freezer meal prep sessions I thought it might be helpful to highlight some of my favorites in one place.   If you click the name of the prep session below you’ll find the original blog post with its free printable recipes and grocery list.  Enjoy!

Freezer eCookbooks

Freezer Meal Prep Sessions With Super Healthy Recipes

Crockpot Vegetarian Garden Vegetable Soup with Pesto (Panera Copycat)

Prep Sessions With Budget-Friendly Recipes

Crockpot Freezer Cooking - 7 Meals in 30 Minutes

Prep Sessions Made With The Same Protein (make these when meat is on sale)

Crockpot Freezer Cooking - 7 Meals in 30 Minutes

FAST Prep Sessions

  • 7 Crockpot Freezer Meals in 30 Minutes (4 minutes per meal). This was my fastest freezer prep session ever.  I saved time by focusing on recipes with only 3-6 ingredients, but made sure every one included a vegetable.  Yay!
  • 8 Crockpot Freezer Meals in 35 Minutes (4 minutes per meal). I like to double recipes to save time and money, but this session focused on recipes that work with different types of meat so we could have variety too (for example, one bag of chili made with chicken and a second one made with ground beef).
  • 10 Healthy Crockpot Freezer Meals in 60 Minutes (6 minutes per meal). My goal is to always make consistently make 10 meals per hour and I hope to capture it on video some day.  To help save time with these meals, I used spice packets and fresh vegetables that can be added to the freezer bags as-is (like baby carrots and spinach) and frozen vegetables.
  • 6 Make-Ahead Freezer Meals in 50 Minutes (8 minutes per meal). In addition to crockpot freezer meals this freezer session includes a recipe for “no-cook” meatloaf too.  Simply combine the ingredients raw in a loaf pan and freeze.

All of the time estimates above include clean-up, because there’s no point in working fast if you have to spend an hour cleaning up your kitchen afterward.

I’ve tried every single recipe myself, so if you have any questions leave a comment below and I’ll respond as soon as I can. I’m a total crockpot freezer meal addict and I love getting other people hooked too.  XO, Kelly

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[…] Leaf Wellness put together 23 freezer cooking meals with printables. Here is where you can get the printables. She will show you how to put the meals […]

8 years ago

Kelly, I just want to thank you for all your hard work, it makes my life so much easier! If I know we are going on a shopping run (which I hate doing) and I haven’t planned a list yet, I grab one of your list and do up a bunch of freezer meals! I love them for so many reasons. One night of prep and I don’t have to plan meals for weeks! There is nothing better than coming home from a long day at work to a heavenly smell of food I don’t have to cook! Plus, by… Read more »

8 years ago

Wow, such a great post!

7 years ago

I’m preparing my deep freeze, printing out recipes and lists…….. can’t wait for the weekend! Going to cook up a storm! Thank you so much for this, it saved me a lot of time. ?????????


[…] from New Leaf Wellness put together another list of 23 freezer meal prep sessions! Every freezer prep session includes the free printable recipes and grocery […]

7 years ago

I’m gearing up for nursing school, which starts in about a week and a half & I’m finding your recipes so useful to prep meals ahead of time, so that with my kids’ activities, my own studies and life in general, dinner will be one less to think about. I can’t wait to try them all. Thank you so much!